Dear Madam Dear Sir,

From 25 May, the new European privacy legislation (GDPR) came into force. Actually, not much changes for us as Innofocus always handled and handles your data carefully and your personal data are always strongly secured and managed. In this context, we would like to draw your attention to the following:

· Cookie policy Our cookie policy is actually quite simple: we are principled against cookies and therefore we do not use them on our websites.

· Data are not shared Your data were and are not passed on to third parties. See also our ‘Privacy policy’.

· Privacy policy You can find our Privacy policy in the attachment. It is important to mention that we do not keep any other data from you than the data that you provide us in the context of registering or purchasing our products or services. These data are also only used in that context.

· Terms of use You will also find our Terms of use here.